Over 100 years and 5 generations in the making.

Hi! We are Matt and Becky Lovvorn. We are 5 generation farmers here in Jones County, Texas. We love this hectic, crazy, sometimes overwhelming life we are blessed to live!

ML Farms was started in 2003 when Matt began farming cotton and wheat separate from his family or “on his own”. Don’t get me wrong, we are a family farm operation and until his dad, Gary, retired we all worked together to work all the land. Along with farming right at 6,000 acres of cotton and wheat, Matt has had cattle since his parents gifted him a couple cows for Christmas as a teenager. Matt and I met in 2014 and having grown up on a farm, I fell in love with him and the farm. We took our time making things official and got married in March of 2020.

How did we get into the Farmer’s Market? Well, it started as a joke. We have a 6-acre field beside our house and in 2016 I told Matt I wanted to plant a garden in it. He looked me dead in the eye and said, “If I plant it, I am planting the WHOLE thing.” I didn’t believe him. He showed up with the tractor and the cotton planter and planted the WHOLE thing! I had vegetables coming out of my ears… I canned it, I froze it, I gave it away…. and still had too much! We joked and said let’s take it to the Farmer’s Market in Abilene. And the rest is history. I fell in love with the Market and the people.

Every year we have grown and added something new. Our second year I decided to add jelly. Matt was very adamant that I “keep it simple” and make only three or four flavors. I now have 26 flavors plus all my pickled items. Did I mention I don’t always listen well? Next was breads and our Keto/gluten free breads. I love to bake and luckily, I’m pretty talented in the kitchen.

How did we get into selling meat? Glad you asked! We have always fed out our own pork and have occasionally fed out our own steers. Well, when Covid hit, there was such a shortage of meat that we decided to keep a few extra steers and hogs to feed out. Boy, are we glad we did!  This is also when I decided we didn't have enough going on and decided to raise meat chickens with our layers. We believe that happy, healthy animals make the best meat. We don’t give them any antibiotics, steroids, or added hormones, we just let them graze and feed them daily. This has proven to be a great plan!

We are very thankful you cared enough to read this far! If you want to know more, feel free to contact us!